After spending a week in Phoenix with our friend Darrell, it was back on the road to Texas. A quick stop on the way outside Marfa, where this trip began all those months ago, so Jakki could check out the shops, well one really. And it’s still closed.
There’s also a new art installation causing some controversy as it’s ‘sponsored’ by a famous company. Less art, more advertising.
Then onto the park.
We were greeted into the park by a couple of critters. Our first encounter was with a large and very hairy Tarantula, fortunately we didn’t manage to get a picture and second was this cute little Rattlesnake.
Couple of pictures of sunset from outside our lodge,
Our first full day in the park we tried to do a hike down the Santa Elena Canyon, but, due to the rains the creek had washed away part of the trail and was too deep to cross.
Instead we hiked down Tuff Canyon. View from the top,
and from the bottom,
A second hike took us down another canyon,
Which ended in this sheer rock face with a water chute cut into it.
Our last day in the park we decided to try the Window Trail. I’m just not sure if I’m in the right continent, I didn’t think they had lions here…
Some amazing rock formations on the way down;
Us at the ‘window’
What you don’t really see from these pictures is the sudden 400 foot drop just behind us.
Caught a glimpse of a coyote on the trail on our way back, before he ran off.
Our last hike was to Boquillas Canyon almost at the eastern edge of the park. To get there you walk down the side of the Rio Grande.
I’m standing in America with Mexico behind me on the other side of the river.
We kept coming across these piles of ‘trinkets’ with price lists pinned under rocks and tin cans to collect your payment.
And every now and then there’s a border infringement as the Mexicans cross to check to see if you’ve bought anything.
One enterprising chap sings (opera) to the hikers as they pass.
and then you see the ‘donations’ jar just a little further down the trail.
End of the trail.
the end of the USA, across the river is Mexico
and, sadly, the end of our trip.
We left Big Bend and returned to Harry’s in Houston, before heading back to the UK…